Your French Bulldog needs to be properly set up in order to get their beauty sleep. And that means providing your dog with a cosy dog bed adapted to their size. Find out how to choose the ideal bed for your French Bulldog below.

What Size Dog Bed for a French Bulldog?

A good dog bed should be perfectly proportionate to your dog’s size. There’s no point choosing a bed that’s too large for your French Bulldog, as they won’t be comfortable with all that extra space. Most dogs like to feel surrounded and protected. When lying down, the edges of the bed should just touch your French Bulldog on all sides, so that they feel safe and secure but not cramped. Consider the fact that the size of your dog’s bed will need to change as they grow; a puppy’s bed will not be suitable for them as an adult. This is true for all dog breeds.

Some doggies don't like beds with raised edges. But don’t panic! There are plenty more options on the market. In this case, try a pillow dog bed without a rim, a rug, or a dog sofa. Whatever your pup’s preference, choose a dog bed that’s about as wide as your French Bulldog when curled into a ball. It’s essential that your Frenchie feels comfortable and gets a good night's sleep, for their health and your sanity!

What's the Best Material for a French Bulldog’s Dog Bed?

Your choice of material should not be left to chance, especially if your pup has destructive tendencies. There are several types of dog bed available for your French Bulldog. Plastic dog beds are the most affordable option, and they’re also sturdier and easier to clean. However, they can be a little uncomfortable so, if you go for this option, be sure to buy lots of cushions and blankets to make it soft and cosy for your pooch. You can also find dog beds made of fabric or leather, which are less resistant but generally more comfortable. Finally, we recommend that you avoid wicker baskets at all costs! These are very fragile and much more likely to be destroyed. Your dog could swallow the debris from a wicker basket and suffer from intestinal obstruction or suffocation, which would require emergency veterinary intervention. It’s not worth the risk!


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Where Should I Put My French Bulldog's Bed?

Don’t place your dog’s bed just in any old place! You want to avoid places with lots of foot traffic, such as the hallway, or that are poorly ventilated in summer and poorly heated in winter. Also, don’t place your Frenchie’s dog bed up too high, as this can place stress on their joints. Create a sleeping area for your French Bulldog in a quiet spot, such as a corner of the living room. Place a bowl of water nearby, especially in the summer, so that your pup can quench their thirst at will. Your French Bulldog’s bed should be easily accessible to them but out of the way of everyone else so that they can rest without fear of being disturbed. If you have children, teach them to respect your French Bulldog’s sleeping schedule. Even though this dog breed is fun and playful by nature, they might have a bit of a temper if woken up suddenly. 

Can My French Bulldog Sleep in My Bedroom?

This topic is the subject of hot debate. Some think it’s to be avoided at all costs, and others think it’s just fine, even beneficial. As for us, we don’t recommend that you have your dog sleep in your bedroom with you, at least at first. French Bulldogs are quite dependent and you don’t want to encourage your dog to get over-attached to you. This would later lead to separation anxiety and/or disrupt the family hierarchy. Learning to be alone, including at night, is an essential step in your French Bulldog’s training. So, resist the urge to let your dog sleep with you at first and, later, you may be able to lift this ban if your dog is well trained. 

Can French Bulldogs Sleep Outside?

The answer is simple: No, the French Bulldog cannot sleep outside. French Bulldogs are sensitive to cold and heat, so they’re best kept inside your home. Additionally, your Frenchie is at high risk of being stolen if left outside alone overnight. It’s not difficult to steal a dog this size! As such, for their safety and your peace of mind, always keep your French Bulldog inside your home with you.  At least, you’ll have no issue living in an apartment with your French Bulldog! Just be careful not to lock your pooch out on the balcony or terrace, if you have one!

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